Kate: Hello, my dear!
Chelsea: Hello, Kate! Look! I received a package from Madame C, the famous designer of Little Creations!
Kate: Oh, Madame C, my dear friend from far away!
Chelsea: Look, I've got certifications, too!
"Chelsea's Boutique"
Plumcake Village
is an authorized reseller of
Original Hand-made
fashion items for Sylvanians
Chelsea: Here is another one:
fashion for Sylvanians
Available Here At
"Chelsea's Boutique"
Plumcake Village
Kate: Very nice!
Kate: Wonderful!
Chelsea: And here you are! Madame C made this dress for you!
Kate: Ahh, my pink dream!
Kate: I tried it on when I first met Madame C, but it was semi-finished. It was the day when she gave me the friendship-bracelet as a gift...
Chelsea: You are beautiful! Here are the sandals and headbands, and a pretty pink bag, too!
Kate: I LOVE it!
Chelsea: Breathtaking...
Kate: And with the another sandal and headband?
Kate: Chelsea, this yellow dress is so charming!
Kate and Chelsea: We are both charming! :)
To be continued... :)